MakersType Facebook and Discord Communities

MakersType Designer Communities
As designers, we often are by ourselves without many people to ask questions and get opinions from, especially if you are a new designer. We wanted to create some spaces where all types of designers and users can come together to learn, improve, and have as much fun as possible.
We also find that helping out new designers can sharpen some of our own skills and even help us find out if we are doing something inefficiently.
To do so we have started community spaces on Facebook and Discord.
Starting a group on Facebook made sense because it’s accessible and convenient for so many people. I don’t know that there is much we can teach you about Facebook, so if you are interested, join the group here.
Discord is VoIP and instant messing platform that is free for users. If you have used slack or other office communication software, this might feel familiar to you. We have set up a “server” with several channels that will help you connect with other people, including some of the designers.
Currently, we have channels for:
General discussion
Font Identification
Technical Font Issues
Rate my work
Looking for a designer
Current sales and promotions
Personally, Discord is a great tool for keeping threads on topic, and that also helps things not get lost in the feed. But feel free to join whichever works better for you.