Train Letters

Train Letters Regular Title
Train Letters Regular Letters
Train Letters Regular Directions

Train Letters is a cute way to write sentences with trains. ๐Ÿš‚ Uppercase letters are on train engines and lowercase ones are on cars, so just use an uppercase letter to start the train, and lowercase letters to finish it. You can use a dash in the middle to separate words. (See the โ€˜Directionsโ€™ image for more details.)

Special Characters
Dash (-) = Word Connector (Mid-train Space)
Left Parenthesis ( = A Blank Engine
Right Parenthesis ) = A Blank Car
Circumflex (^) (6 + Shift) = the front of a train car
Underscore (_) = Blank Railroad

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Uploaded: September 8, 2023
Downloads: 62
Category: Aesthetic Fonts

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