Love Ya Like A Sister

KG Love Ya Like A Sister is a nostalgic font family created by Kimberly Geswein in 2007. This sketchy serif has a distinct hand made look and a great playful attitude. The solid verison still has lots of character but is a little bit more legible in small spaces.
Note From Kimberly:
Y’all really love this font. I see it EVERYWHERE. On EVERYTHING. This was one of my first fonts and I kind of thought it was a mess so I’m thrilled people have loved it. When I was a kid, my sisters (I have 3, and I’m in the middle as the third sister!) and I would sign our notes to each other with LYLAS which we thought was HILARIOUS because we were actually sisters. Apparently our bar for humor was pretty low. I made this right before I moved to China with my husband and kids. I was leaving my sisters behind and that was one of the hardest parts of our move. It’s really true that the best thing about having a sister is you always have a friend!